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  First Meeting of the SGA                                                                                            By Matthew Ross

       The Student Government Association (SGA) of Penn State McKeesport met for the first time this semester, in the Frable Building, on Thursday August 30, 2001.  The purpose of this meeting was to vote in the new SGA Reps.  The SGA was looking for 20-30 reps, but only announced 10 or so during the meeting with a few more students with votes pending.

  The meeting also touched on many other topics.  The agenda for the meeting read: Introduction, Conduct of Meetings, Vote in SGA Reps., Vice President Nominations, Budgets, Club Reports, Open Forum, and Adjourn.

Some of the clubs in attendance were Amplified, Gospel Choir, Outdoors Club, Soccer Club, WPSM, and BSU.

Madame President, Leigh Carmean, began the meeting with a welcome and a brief introduction to everyone in attendance.  Next, she held the Conduct of Meetings in which she explained what would happen at each of the other meetings.  She also said that this meeting was very “informal” compared to what the others will be like.  Then, the Director of Student Affairs, Brian Maloney, announced the names of 10 or so new SGA Representatives, and also named those with votes pending.  Since the SGA does not currently have a Vice President, next the Madame President took nominations.  Dr. Boyle then went over the budgets for each of the clubs, and how the clubs can use their budget.  Next on the agenda were the Club Reports.  Club Reports are when each of the clubs on campus state when and what they will be doing in the future, such as their meetings, trips, fund raisers, etc.  The last topic for the day was the Open Forum.  There was not much said during the Open Forum, so member from one of the clubs motioned to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded and that ended the first SGA meeting for this semester.  

The SGA is run by the Executive Board.  The board is made up of six students.  These students are: Leigh Carmean (President), Stacie Jakub (Secretary), Lindsay Olcott (Treasurer), Brian Maloney (Director of Student Affairs), Eric Deithorn (Director of Academic Affairs), and Taha Hasmi (Programs Director).  There are still votes pending on a Vice-President.



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